Over the last few days, I've been enjoying blogging here about my life, weight loss journey, and whatever else comes to mind. Mainly, the weight loss. It's meant a lot to me to have a means of emptying my mind, however briefly, of all of the thoughts and feelings swirling though my gray matter. It has given me a small sense of peace I haven't felt in a long time. For this, I'm grateful. If you're actually reading this, then thank you for taking the time to do so. I appreciate it. :)
I've implemented a new, healthier approach to my snacking this week that I believe will pay off in both the short and long terms. I've been keeping a plate full of cut, ready-to-eat veggies in my fridge at all times. Carrots, celery, green bell pepper, and cucumber all washed, sliced, and ready for me to gobble down when I need to nosh, even if it's slightly mindless eating. I usually throw together a quick fat free dip (fat free sour cream, spices, and garden salsa), grab my plate, and head to my chosen snacking spot to feast guilt free. This has prevented me from devouring bags of tortilla chips, making cookie dough, or decimating the ice cream. Even with low fat, sugar free ice cream, you still need to make sensible choices. Edy's Butter Pecan is still 1 cup = 4 points, but it's so good! I barely notice how much better it is for me. But, as of today, the veggie plate has saved me 3 days running. I think I'll be keeping one around for quite some time!
So tomorrow is the Weight Watchers 5K Walk Day. I must admit to being very excited! Several weeks ago when it was announced in the meeting that this would be happening, I was a little scared. Me? Do a 5K? Really? I had some doubts, but not nearly as many as I would have had a year ago, before I started WW. Even though I'm just starting the psychological aspect of this journey, my desire to lose the weight/become healthier started long ago. Last year, I joined WW in an effort to make this dream a reality in a safe and sane way. I've lost 29lbs so far out of the approximate 120lbs I wish...
No, that I WILL lose. I have the knowledge and the skills. The obstacles holding me back are in my mind, but I am breaking through these a bit at a time. Writing this blog is but one method of bringing order to a sometimes chaotic, crazy, difficult journey. Going to my weekly meetings is another. Learning/understanding/believing/accepting that food does NOT equal love was a huge mental wall shattered and I have felt its positive effects over the last few days. Wonderful feeling! But I digress...
About the upcoming 5K tomorrow... Last year, I would have thought someone insane had they said they wanted me to walk a 5K. Nope, not me. This year, I was one of the first to sign my name to the training sheet at the meeting center. The thought of completing this made me giddy. I couldn't wait! I've been counting the weeks and now it's almost here. As I write this, I'm already smiling with anticipation. I'm going to officially complete a 5K tomorrow. One more milestone on my journey. Wheeee!
Ok, time to log off and get some rest. Oh, and next year, I plan on running the 5K. I know I can do it; Just going to take time, effort, and dedication. I feel good about it though. I know I can reach it.
Sleep tight!
Happy 20th Anniversary, Make:
2 days ago
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