I knew this time was coming. I've seen it looming since around the end of April. Before, it looked like a black storm cloud hovering just on the horizon, waiting... lurking... Now I can say, it's officially here.
What is this storm; this monstrosity that wishes to tear through my life, my resolve, my taste buds? It's...
IT'S......... Summer Party Season!!! *dun dun dun*
Yes, folks, Christmas and Thanksgiving's evil little sibling is upon us. While a time of great joy to many, its conniving and manipulative ways rival even Loki! Don't believe me? Read on, dear friend...
Everything seems easier in the summer; long, hot summer days stretch for hours into warm summer nights. We get together with friends and family over the BBQ grill. We go on relaxing vacations, tasting all the food and drink the region has to offer. We go to sporting events, carnivals, festivals, markets, garage sales, tourist traps of all kinds. We're on the road, in the air, hustling to get from here to there as quickly as possible to enjoy all that we can for as long as we can. We know the summer won't last and soon enough, the cool of the autumn will set in, followed by the chill of winter. There we will be, once again, cooped up in our tiny houses, shoveling snow and ice, getting sick and generally feeling miserable. Oh, woe is me! I must enjoy summer for all its worth! Now, show me to the giant margaritas and juicy burgers.
If we think about it, summer has more food traps than any season of the year! You might say "How can that be, o wise one? Youse-a talkin' crazy! Summer is full of healthy food like fresh fruit and vegetables. It's full of good weather to walk, bike, run, play, and exercise in. Where are the traps?" Well, I'm-a gonna tell ya...
During the summer, we let our guard down in many ways. We eat a little more; we drink a little more; we give in to temptation a little more, thinking that being out and active in the good weather will save us in the end. Most of the time, it doesn't. We stay indoors in the A/C or sit in our camping chairs next to the fire. Besides, if what we eat is calorie-laden and fat-heavy, the little extra activity we get won't burn off everything we've eaten. In the end, we're still hurting our efforts.
We have to remember meat is calorie-heavy, even the smaller pieces. Marinades with oil, fattier cuts of steak, and ground beef for burgers contribute much to the bottom (waist)line. Hot dogs, though smaller than you average burger, is just as bad as a burger. Check the labels.
Then you have the "salads": macaroni, pasta, potato being the main culprits. Mayo, mayo, mayo = fat, calories, fat. They will kill your goals is no time flat!
Drinks... sneaky things they are. Sodas usually run 100+ calories an 8oz serving (not per can!) Beer even more so. Cold beer on a hot day is good. A 6-pack can destroy your six-pack and let's not even talk about the margaritas and other frozen concoctions. You don't want to know! I'll just say this... have a green garden salad, lite dressing, and one SMALL margarita. Skip the appetizer, bread, and dessert and you MIGHT come out ok. The numbers on those get ugly really fast.
Ok, enough of the soapbox that somehow wormed its way under my feet. I'm sure you're just dying to know how I'm doing. Um... you are... right? Right. Ok...
This weekend, I have no less than 4 party invites plus 3 event invites plus an added get-together plus a new grill to break in. Those numbers only include Saturday and Sunday. That's 10+ chances to just kick back, relax, and indulge every temptation I could want. 10! In 2 days! Combine that with a more-voracious-than-normal Id (as in Id, Ego, Superego... yeah, making you think back to Psych 101) and I'm in a minefield. Food here, drinks there, sitting on my rear chatting with everyone and anyone... yikes! What's a girl to do? Auntie Em! Auntie Em!
Don't worry, my brave readers (well, worry a little. It lets me know you care.) Fear not for I have a plan! *dun dun dun* Let me explain... no, there is too much. Let me sum up...
Eat less. Exercise more.
There, my ingenious plan! Muhahahaha! What do you think? Too simple, you say? Ok, I shall lead by example. Let's take today (Saturday) for instance. Four birthday parties scheduled. Now, admittedly, the first one of the day, we had to drop because it happened during my son's nap time. (Sorry, Misty. Love to you guys!) There just wasn't any way around it. I was saved from cake and goodies for a few hours. Then, the graduation party (hubby's side of the family). I made sure to eat a light and healthy breakfast before we left; 2 egg whites scrambled with 2TBS shredded cheese + 1 Weight Watchers Blueberry Pie yogurt mixed with 1/2c fresh blueberries and 1/4c low fat, low sugar granola. A cup of coffee with sugar free creamer and Splenda and 1c Silk Almond milk rounded it out. Quite filling and very tasty! I also made up 20oz water bottle with some Crystal Lite tea to take with. I was now prepared to battle the temptations.
Boy, what a spread! Pulled pork (one of my favs!), macaroni and potato salads, corn, baked beans, Chex Mix, chips, sodas, and cake. Lots and lots of cake! Three different kinds! They also had a good veggie tray, but... come on! 3 kinds of cake! Yellow, chocolate, and fudge brownie. This was not going to be easy...
Actually, it was easier than I expected. Since I had had a great breakfast, I wasn't starving. HUGE help! Then, I loaded up 1/2 my plate with veggies first thing. Doesn't leave much room for the dangerous stuff. I took 1/2c pulled pork, then no more than 2TBS of everything else. Basically, I grabbed a taste, not a serving. That's all I really need most of the time anyway. I drank my 0 calorie water with the meal and was stuffed by the time I was done. Or so I thought...
Cake. There was still cake. If this event had happened even a month ago, I probably would have taken a slice... or two... or three. Maybe one for home. Not today! I had several great motivations going on for me today; a good breakfast, some pre-event planning, loading up on the veggies first, and the looks I got when I walked into that room. Holy cow! I had no less than 6 people telling me how great I looked, eyes all bugging out in amazement. It was fantastic, but not as great as what one relative said. I was told later that the relative had asked the group if Scott (my hubby) had "gotten himself a new wife?" He didn't recognize me! Now, to be fair, we don't get to see this part of the family very often and I did cut my hair since last time. Nothing that dramatic though. He just thought I was too thin to be Scott's wife. Talk about a boost!! It sent me over a cloud, I'm telling ya!
Oh, right, the cake. Did I have some cake, you're wondering. Yes. Yes, I did, but I cut a very small piece and scraped most of the frosting off as well. Even then, that "small" indulgence cost me 8 points. 8!! A 2" x 1.5" piece of cake with a thin spread of frosting. As a comparison, a normal 2"x2" piece of cake with the usual amount of frosting is 12 points. Measure out 2"x2" some day and see just how small that is. Then look at the cake case at your local restaurant. Do a quick comparison of cake size and frosting amounts. Then do a little math. Scared yet? Yeah, I know.
I did get some activity in today as well. Didn't get to the gym like I wanted, but I was able to do short bursts of walking as well as stair climbing. I have to remind myself that these pockets of activity are still exercise and count towards my fitness goals. Hafta, hafta, hafta remember that!
After all of this, I had 9 points left out of my 31 daily (all my spare weekly points were used up Friday). Believe it or not, I was able to eat dinner and have a small dessert with those 9 points; 2oz burger (90% lean meat), lettuce, tomato and dill pickle slices, ketchup + mustard bbq sauce, a whole wheat, 80-calorie bun + 1/2c baked beans and an ear of corn (plain). Dessert was strawberries and some lite Cool Whip I had left over from last week. A glass of water with Crystal Lite and I was good for the night.
So, when asked if I want cake (or a burger or a margarita) in the coming weeks, I'll probably say yes. I'll then choose a small piece, make good choices about my sides, stick with my water or diet soda, and get moving every chance I get. Life doesn't stop until you've pulled yourself together. Life keeps moving. We just have to keep moving with it. In the end, the goal may be sweet, but the journey will be even sweeter... sweeter than cake. I promise! :)
(p.s. - Forgot to mention the other 2 parties tonight. I was unable to attend due to lack of funds. Still, had I been able to attend, I'm confident that I would have made some good choices. That knowledge, to me, is better than any meal!)