Wow... 2011... No flying cars yet, but that's ok. I'd hate to see the insurance bill on those. Yikes! But, as I was saying... 2011... First post. I suppose it should in insightful, witty, and generally positive. Hmmm...
As I sit here at my desk, listening to a great mix on Pandora (My "Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling" station), reflecting on the past year and the changes it brought, I can't help but be a little proud of myself for simply not giving up. While there were several long periods of time where healthy eating, tracking, and exercise didn't quite work out, I'm still here... picking up where I left off... once again committing myself to making the changes needed to be successful on this path. This isn't 'starting over'. This is just the next chapter in my life story. As we would say as kids on the playground, "No do-overs!"
I've started tracking again in my Weight Watchers tracker. Boy, having to relearn Points values isn't fun, but it's part of the effort to be healthier. This led to yesterday's success. I can finally say for the first time in weeks that I didn't give into my near-overwhelming urge to binge of leftover Xmas cookies. I did eat one large Ms. Fields cookie (I blame the hubby for this), but only one. Yay me! Progress feels good!
You may have noticed the changes to the blog; the modified "About Me" page as well as the added pages with my progress pics and my goals for the year (and overall) listed in black and white. I've been inspired lately by many of the bloggers I follow to make these changes and I feel that having my pics and goals right there in my face will help me be more accountable, remind me of my successes, and let me know how close I am to goal... that yes, I can do it!
As my last post stated, I've decided to start the year with great ambition; the goal of losing 40lbs by the end of June. I'm gonna clarify and make this a more specific goal (the one I had in mind when I made the original post); I'm going to lose enough weight to reach 199lbs by the end of June. I'll need to lose approximately 30-35lbs. (I'll know exactly how much after my WW Weigh-In on Tuesday). Why do I want to push myself to lose this much weight? Put simply... because I know I can. I know what I need to do when it comes to food and exercise. I firmly believe that it's an achievable goal; one that can be reached in a healthy manner. What will trip me up from making this goal? Me. If I don't reach this goal, I'll only have myself to blame. Well, blame is not the right word. Blame gets you nowhere (one of the most important lessons I've learned in the past year.) Ok, better way to put it... if I don't reach my 40lb lost goal, it'll be because of my choices and no one else's. I will make or break this goal by my choices alone... unless I'm forced to eat every cookie at the local Ms. Field's, washed down by several Steak-N-Shake milkshakes, to save a preschool from a mad bomber... or something heroic like that... Yeah, I'll sacrifice my goal for that. Gotta do it for the children! Anyway...
Today, I'm adding one more page and my hope is that it'll help me even more. I'm adding a 'Tracking & Exercise' page which will help keep me accountable for days I've tracked my food and how many minutes of exercise I've completed each week. I'm more than nervous to add this as I have a hard enough time tracking in my own tracker, but I'm gonna give it a shot. If it doesn't work out, I'll take it down. But, this year, I'm pulling out the stops to make success the rule and not the exception. I'm printing out pages of goals and motivations to hang around my home, adding pages on the blog, working up a rewards system (in progress)... Whew!
Really, I'm tired of saying I'm on Weight Watchers, that I'm working towards losing weight, then never showing any progress because I let my urge for 'instant gratification' get in the way. Unless I haven't eaten in three days, I don't need 10 cookies. Nor do I need to mindlessly eat them while distracted by the TV. If I want one, I just need to work it into my daily/weekly points. Good choices. That's what it's all about.
I'm excited about 2011!! I'm looking forward to my weekly meetings and weigh-ins. I can't wait to show up at my little brother's college graduation in a new, smaller dress. I know I'll feel more confident at my (thin) cousin's wedding and feel good about having my picture taken with her. Maybe I'll even think about wearing a creative (and sexy) Halloween costumes this year instead of trying to find something that covers my "wobbly bits". I'm thinking Medusa in a strapless armored breastplate...
No matter what happens, I will keep my eyes on the prize (healthy body, mind, soul) and never, ever give up! I'm worth it!
Here's to a healthy, happy, safe and successful 2011!! Let's get this party started!
Happy 20th Anniversary, Make:
2 days ago
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