As I have completed all three Wilton cake decorating classes and now have an abundance of cake decorating gear, I am starting to convince my friends that having me make their birthday cakes is a great idea. "Better than the local Walmart bakery" is my current tag line. I mean, come on! I have so much stuff and spent a small fortune on all of the gadgets, gizmos, and edible materials that I have to do something with them, if to justify having spent all of the cash I did. So, tomorrow, my family and I are headed to one of my son's friend's birthday party with a cake in hand. The lucky kid is turning 6 and is in love with all things Super Mario Galaxy (as in Super Mario Bros. of Nintendo fame). 2 hours of baking and 6 1/2 hours of assembly and decorating. Everything you see (except the silver cardboard base) is edible...
My mom and I make a quick stop at our local Greek Fest celebration before I started assembling the cake, so I wasn't tempted in the slightest to munch on any part of the cake, icing, or decorations. Good thing too! Waaaaayy too many points!
I hope you'll forgive me this short post today. I'm exhausted... very, very happy, but exhausted. In the next few days, I'll finish my Versatile Blogger Award requirements (I haven't forgotten, I promise!), some more insightful thoughts, and I'm sure a few more pics of the cake. The four layers inside are divided by red, yellow, and blue icing which should look amazing. :)
Until then, my dear friends, I'm off to catch up on some mindless TV and find a healthy bite to eat... and finish getting in my 64oz of water for my challenges... nope, didn't forget that either. :)
Don't give up! I believe in you! :)
Happy 20th Anniversary, Make:
2 days ago
Phenomenal! Worth $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
So cute! NIce job.
Cake looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
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