Blech. That's my mood for today. It's a hopeful "blech" but a "blech" nonetheless.
Today was supposed to be a great day. I woke up feeling excited to start the Positive Effects Water Challenge and send in my first update for the Freedom Challenge. I knew I had a busy day ahead of me, but felt that everything would fall into place by bedtime.
Some days, you're the pigeon. Other days, you're the statue. Yeah, it was a statue kind of day.
I won't bore you with the details (involves a lot of running around, tantrums by my son, and the onset of PMS) because the real point of the day... the real lesson... is about the choices I made. I made poor choices and am now (and may tomorrow be) feeling the consequences.
While my choices were not what I consider to be "good" ones, I don't see the day as a failure. I have stopped looking at "bad" days or choices as failures. I don't use the term anymore when referring to moments such as those of today. I prefer to think of them as "life lessons"; situations that, when examined, can reveal problems to be solved, questions to be answered, and challenges to be overcome. This is a positive way to face what would have previously been a negative, guilt-ridden, "I give up. I'm no good. I'm a terrible person" type of inner self-destruction.
Ok... that's a bit deep. Let's simplify it...
Failure = negative and self-destructive attitude = giving up.
Life Lesson = positive and constructive = learning and moving forward.
Today was a life lesson, one you would think that someone who has been on this journey of weight loss and self-discovery would have figured out by now. But, then again, Einstein always seemed to forget to tie his shoes. Let's just call it a "Duh!" moment. So, what did happen? So simple...
I forgot to eat.
Well, I did eat a little, but I made poor choices... at least until dinner. So, I hope you'll forgive the rambling tonight. My brain is still a tad mushy.
Today, I learned the effects of what a small quantity of poor food choices and no healthy food can do to a body that has become accustomed to good food choices. In a nutshell... not pretty!
From 12noon until my very late dinner time (roughly 9pm), all I had to eat was:
- 1c Silk Almond Milk
- 1 small banana mini chip muffin (was starting to go bad too)
- 1 "small" soft serve twist ice cream cone (local place. Their small = normal medium serving)
- 1 small french fry
- 1 2-point Weight Watchers bar
- 12oz sugar free lemonade
No protein, no fruit or veggies, no water. By 7pm, I felt physically ill. By 8:30pm, I was speaking in monosyllabic words, barely able to think straight, much less plan or make any decisions. After my hubby and I finally made it home and sat down to eat our (healthy) dinner, he tried to start a conversation. All I could get out was "No talk. Eat."
Embarrassing? A little. Funny? Oh yeah! At least it is now that I've regained some semblance of civilized behavior back. Of course, it took 5oz baked chicken (no skin), a good-sized salad with 2Tbs lite dressing, 1/4c whole berry cranberry sauce, 1 small baked potato with salsa and fat free sour cream, 1 roll with 1tsp butter, 1 liter of diet cranberry grape, and some water. I'm currently working on a 1 liter container of the wonderful, clear, life-restoring liquid and should have it done by the time I turn out my light for the evening. I may be crawling out my bed a few times tonight to visit the bathroom, but it'll be worth it in the morning when I feel much better! I already am. :)
So, a couple of quick updates for my challenges...
Deb over at Deb Will Be FREE started the Freedom Challenge last week and I just loved the idea! (see Day 35 for my original post on this). Today is the first weekly check in and I'd like to share with you how it went. Below are my five goals for this challenge and my results from this past week:
1) To do some kind of organized exercise at least 4 days a week (gym, walking trails, video, etc.)
Unfortunately, I didn't make this goal. I knew this one was going to be difficult for me. I seem to be able to get 3 days in, but not 4. Not sure why, but I feel it's a matter of comfort more than anything. I seem to find a dozen excuses as to why I can't just do something as simple as a 20min. yoga video in the evening. This is the goal to work on for the next week.
2) To work on one project on my To Do List per week.
Not just one, but at least 7 or 8 were completed! Felt wonderful to cross items off the list!
3) To get a minimum of 6 hrs of sleep per night, especially during the week.
Completed 6 of 7 nights. Not a bad start for me with this goal.
4) To drink 2 liters (67oz) of plain water per day, regardless of any other drinks I imbibe.
This goal actually covers 2 challenges: the Freedom Challenge and the Positive Effects Water Challenge (PEWC) started by Kenz at All The Weigh and Sean Anderson at The Daily Diary of a Winning Loser. Again, I completed 6 of 7 days. Today was #7 and you now know how that worked out. Still, tomorrow, water will be choice #1!
5) To have 4 new "food adventures" during the challenge time period. This could include trying a new restaurant, making a new recipe, trying never-before-used ingredients, etc.
Nothing new so far, but I left this one open on purpose. It gives me the chance to explore and take my time in choosing some amazing new foods or types of restaurants over the next few weeks. I can't wait until I have some news to report on this goal.
Well, that's it for Day 41. I'm just about done with my liter of water, a quick trip to the potty, then it's lights out for me. Tomorrow's schedule is supposed to be much less hectic, but it's also Weigh In Day. We'll see what effects follow me into tomorrow. No matter what, I know I've learned the lessons of today and am looking forward to having a great week!
Sleep tight, my wonderful readers!
Happy 20th Anniversary, Make:
2 days ago
i'll go walking with you some days heather! I always am looking to get out for an hour or so and chat with my girl. Jake and i have decided to give up pop. (it just wasnt satisfying anymore) I am so glad that we bought the water cooler earlier this spring. I love the cool refreshing water at my finger tips. Plus the cost of pop vs the cost of water makes it really easy to give up. I am super proud of you for the way your looking at your weight loss and I know that you will make your goal. <3 u T.
What a wonderful post! Love the, "No talk. Eat." lol I have been there! I have. lol
And, man! You did great with your challenge goals. So many had a hard first week--your, however, had excellent results. congratulations on your hard work!
We're gonna do this thing!
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