Kenz over at All The Weigh is hosting "Friend Makin' Mondays" today (well, yesterday actually, but who's counting?) and I decided to join in on the fun. :) Below, I've "filled in the blanks" with a little info about myself just for you lucky people to read. Ok, that's what the little voice on her blog told me to do and you know how I am about following little voices. So, onto the fun part of our program, boys and girls! Oh, and don't forget to visit Kenz and all of the other participants of FMM.
I like... people who are willing to look past the outside image or assumptions and get to know me better before making any judgments. I'm not always what I appear to be.
I don't like... close-minded people. If you're not willing to at least admit there's a possibility that another view exists, we have nothing to talk about.
I love... to see my son happy. He lights up a room when he's in a good mood. :)
I dream of... so many things...
I wonder... what my son will be like as a man. I hope he'll be a good one; hope I've taught him well...
I know... I can do more than I'm pushing myself to do now. It's just hard...
I went... to GenCon for vacation/anniversary this year; my hubby's first time and my first time since 2003. Felt soooooooo goooooood to be back amongst fellow gamers again! Almost like coming home after being away at college.
I have... everything I need in life but financial security.
I think... waaaaaay too hard about everything. Some days, I just wish I could lighten up... then the control freak takes back over.
I plan... on never fully growing up... Better believe I'm a Toys 'R Us kid. :)
I regret... nothing... or at least I try not to. I believe that everything I've done up to now has brought me to this place in my life. If I was to change anything, I wouldn't be me with my family and friends, my cakes and blogging. I wouldn't want to lose these for anything.
I do... pay attention to detail; sometimes so much, I tick people off. It's not on purpose, I swear!
I drink... only on occasion and not much as I'm quite the lightweight.
I wish... for peace, both within and out. Still seems so far out of reach...
I am... strange, silly, and a bit difficult to deal with at times.
I am not... the stuck-up person most people assume I am. I'm just terribly shy, even around people I've known for years; a difficulty I've tried for years to overcome.
I need... more reassurance than I care to admit.
I graduated... high school, but not college. While trying to go to school, my first marriage fell apart and so did my school career. One day I hope to return and complete a degree, but probably not for a few years.
I hope... to travel through the world one day. I want to see all of the wonders of the world, both famous and hidden before I die or the world destroys itself.
I want... to be a better mom and to work in a field that makes people happy.
I sometimes... pretend I can sing and do so along with some pretty silly dance moves. Usually at 3am when I'm going cross-eyed working on a cake or when I'm really stressed or happy.
I always... get excited when autumn finally shows up! I love the autumn and holiday seasons more than any other time of the year.
I can... get angry quickly when someone/something presses my buttons the wrong way. Whether I hold my tongue or not depends on the situation as I do not cause "scenes" whenever possible.
I work... hard at keeping my family and household running smoothly. Doesn't always work, but I try.
I cannot... bear the thought of losing my son. I pray every day that he'll be healthy and safe. Every fiber of my being is constantly scared of this, maybe because of my previous miscarriages and later losses.
I avoid... friend/enemy drama. Can't stand it! I try to relate to everyone on whatever levels work best for me and don't get involved or in the middle of "Hate him/hate her" crap. Sometimes, that means I don't see people for stretches of time, but I still consider them my friends.
I will... continue to try and be a better person and work towards becoming everything I want to be.
Happy 20th Anniversary, Make:
2 days ago
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