Technology needs to catch up with me. Really. Every day that I've worked out for the last two weeks, I have composed a blog post in my mind. They were witty, informative, and full of excitement with this new chapter in my journey. I have been developing my short and long term goals at my Coach Assist meetings, finishing hour-long workouts on the Nautilus machines twice a week, and the swimming.... ooooohhh, the swimming! The purest joy I have felt in a long time! I even have a brand-new swimsuit, goggles, and flip-flops to keep the joy going! They're all a gorgeous shade of blue (yes, I'm that coordinated) and I LOVE them!
Did I mention the suit is a size 16?!?! Talk about motivation! I'll have to post pics soon to show them off. :)
So why does technology need to catch up to me? Well, if it did, I'd be able to compose the blog posts in my head, then hook my head up to my computer and upload them directly. As it stands currently, that won't be occurring any time soon. So, I must find an hour or two (or three) when I can to sit and write. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen nearly as often as I want it to. Still, I'm working on trying to find more time. I want this blog to be a higher priority than it is. I hope to change this soon as I'm working on scheduling a specific day and time each week to make this a reality. Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, this will happen. Let's hope because if it does, then more than blogging will be happening. Yes... I'll be joining... a Zumba class... At least trying it out to start, but I'm hoping it'll be as addictive as so many people have said.
For now, I'm pretty proud of what I've been able to accomplish these past few weeks. I've been to the YMCA 3-4 days each week to work out. Two days each week include 60min lap swimming sessions. The other two days have included 60min Nautilus machine sessions (3 set of 12 reps on each machine). I threw in an extra 30min lap swim on one of those days and have tried a swim class as well. (was a bit too easy for my level) So I can definitely say I've been busy and I haven't tried any of the yoga, pilates, or aerobics classes yet! I want to add some of those in as well, but they're all held in the evenings, so babysitting will need to be arranged. That's another part that I'm working out this week.
Wow! To be able to work out twice a day and I want to do this?! Crazy! Cool, but crazy... in a good way!
While I haven't been able to swing Weight Watchers again yet (mother-in-law is covering YMCA membership, God bless her!), I'm scraping together my $13 and heading to a meeting tonight. I want to see where I stand scale-wise, see everyone, and get a boost going into the holiday season. I still have hope that I'll return as a regular member sometime in the future (I miss E-Tools soooooooooo much!), but for now I need to buckle down and start tracking my points regularly. It was working before and now, with my new-found fire (I knew it was there somewhere. :) ) I know I can be fabulously successful, holidays or no holidays!
If all goes well, start looking for new blog posts on Wednesdays and/or Thursdays. Until then... Stick to the basics, use whatever motivates you best, and keep on rockin' your way down the path! We can all do this! I've been on mine for 18 months now (holy cow!) and I know I still have a long way to go. As Loretta and Deb once said... "Progress, not perfection." Those words keep me going. I am worth it!
*hugs* to each one of you!
Happy 20th Anniversary, Make:
2 days ago
That is awesome Heather!! Keep up the hard work!
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